Monday, January 28, 2019

50 Popular Links : every Librarian should read

  1. University copying books for teaching is not copyright violation: Delhi HC 
  2. Open-access plan draws online protest
  3. Why Are College Textbooks So Expensive?
  4. Norway's petabyte plan: Store everything ever published in a 1,000-year archive
  5. University Futures, Library Futures: Aligning library strategies with institutional directions
  6. Technology hasn’t killed public libraries – it’s inspired them to transform and stay relevant
  7. EU passes controversial copyright law that could hit the likes of Google and Facebook
  8. Scholarly publishing is broken. Here’s how to fix it
  9. Is Facebook a publisher? In public it says no, but in court it says yes
  10. The ancient library where the books are under lock and key
  11. The General Data Protection Regulation: What Does It Mean for Libraries Worldwide?
  12. More libraries are going fine-free. That’s good for everyone.
  13. Fake News Course
  14. Three reasons Wikipedia needs libraries, and vice-versa
  15. Are ebooks dying or thriving? The answer is yes
  16. Copyright, Copyleft and the Creative Anti-Commons
  17. The Natural Enemy of the Librarian
  18. How Technology Is Changing The Way Blind People Get Visual Information
  19. Modern libraries: Moving from a transactional to a relational library
  20. Why Wikipedia Works
  21. The Link to Content in 21st-Century Libraries
  22. Welcome to the Post-Text Future
  23. Silicon Valley Won’t Save Books
  24. How the Index Card Cataloged the World
  25. Professor Stephen Hawking's PhD viewed two million times
  26. The Fallacy of Open-Access Publication
  27. Tim Berners-Lee on the future of the web: 'The system is failing'
  28. 26 Facts about Libraries
  29. What Are Libraries For?
  30. The Future of Truth and Misinformation Online
  31. Creating the Catalog, Before and After FRBR
  32. In the ‘Fake News’ Era, Americans Increasingly Value Libraries
  33. German universities plan for life without Elsevier
  34. What Happened to Google's Effort to Scan Millions of University Library Books?
  35. This Is the Future of Libraries in the Digital Age
  36. Explorations of a Very-large-screen Digital Library Interface
  37. The War on the Freedom of Information Act
  38. Why Kids Need Data Literacy, and How You Can Teach It
  39. Getting serious about open access discovery—Is open access getting too big to ignore?
  40. University of Missouri to push cheaper textbook plan
  41. Open access campaigners toughen stance towards publishers
  42. How a Browser Extension Could Shake Up Academic Publishing
  43. Dewey Decimal System
  44. Book publishing in the digital age
  45. A Debate on “Open” Educational Resources
  46. No ink required: paper can be printed with light
  47. Knowledge Management – Automated Content Generation and Curation
  48. How to Measure Impact
  49. Libraries are dying – but it’s not about the books
  50. Smartphones Can't Replace Libraries

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